Every once in a while you are in the flow of creativity. I had one of those moments last Wednesday. We had finished up a bunch of projects and I still wanted to dig in. I had a concept for making some goggles out of some really nice lenses I had. I made a template, drilled a bunch of holes and started to stitch. I struggled with the first pair but they came out o.k. Having learned what not to do I simplified my approach and in much less time I had a better looking pair. My next project was to put some lenses directly on a mask. I fought with it for a while but nothing was happening. I looked over the finished goggles and a thought hit me. Combine the two. I threaded the goggles into the mask and they fit perfectly. A couple pinches later and I knew I was on to something. For the next hour or so I pinched, reshaped and sliced. A void for a beak appeared. I saw it finished before I could get there. My hands trembled slightly because I was afraid I was going to muck it up. I created a beak, stitched it on only to realize I should have stitched it under and not over. I took the stitches out, added a little edge detail and then stitched the beak back on. I laughed out loud when I saw it complete. Time for bed now.
In the morning I was happy to see I hadn't dreamt the whole thing. It was still there. Now the truly hard part. What color to paint it. Nothing like having something you really like only to "%#^&*" it up with paint. I have learned that Black covers almost all mistakes and still looks pretty cool so it would never be a total loss. I think this deserved more. When I got to the shop I still couldn't decide. I put the thing on my head and walked over to the coffee shop to see if it had any ideas of it's own. Chocolate Brown and bronze was the answer. Could have been the triple chocolate cookie and Useless Bay coffee that inspired me but I knew what it had to be. I told Sam when I got back. She wasn't really feeling my description of the color but loved what I came up with. My confirmation came when Izzy ran over to it and asked if it could be her Halloween costume for next year. Always a good sign. I am off to make some more.