It has been a while since Nymbol and I have written anything here. Not because we have been slackers at all but because we have been flat out, pedal to the metal, grinding up a 17% grade in a 42X24, going for broke and finding the edges of the page. In these last few months we have learned so much about ourselves, our children, and our good friends.
In my new career as a puppeteer I discovered that when the puppet mouths off or insults someone you look over and blame the puppet. "It wasn't me!?! It was the puppet." There is a tense moment when you and the puppet may get away with something grand or you are about to get slapped. It always helps at this point that Nymbol tries something charming. If there is laughter you are saved. If someone walks away, or your face is stinging, you have gone too far. That tense moment I just described,...... I had that feeling for a month and a half. I was certainly blaming the puppet. What ever made Nymbol do that little video so we could apply for WICA's local Artist series.
Sitting here, finally recovered, I am so glad he did. I have never worked so hard, been out of my comfort zone for so long, or had that much fun.
There are a couple moments I need to share with you. More than a couple but I will try and be brief.
When we found out that we got the spot at Whidbey Island Center for the Arts local artist series we were joking with someone there and they mentioned that one of the Juror's wondered if we could pull it off. If you ever want to inspire us to get something done, do just that. It worked when I was a teenager. It works now.
We knew we needed an intro song and a closing song and who better to do that than the best writer in our family, Tabatha. Tabatha and I talked about what we thought might be good, how to explain Nymbol's world and off she went. She came back two hours later with a hand written page and lyrics. To steal a line from the Panto last winter. "my gast was flabbered!"
One week later we were in Rob Marsyani's living room listening to the music he had written for it. I don't even have words to describe how amazed I was. The show was becoming real.
Our first music rehearsal. Rob Marsyani came in, played the music and we started, Then he said something to the effect of. "That is great, now the girls sing this part, the boys this, the round starts here, you come in here, this is your solo, this is yours, you come in again here, you sing this a key above, this below, great, got it, lets go!" We went, a little slow at the start, and then, BAM, there it was. A song so far beyond what I hoped I couldn't sing any more. I was crying.
Blarney where's your trousers? Seriously, where are they? Once we started singing that as a group we really took off. It was so much fun to see people start compulsively Dancing around. I am guessing this world has existed for a while it is just one I have never been a part of. Guys going to bike races spend time talking about gear ratio's and the latest unobtanium this or that. This singing thing is way more fun. Nymbol is a cat IV singer by the way.
Dress Rehearsal. With a night to go we hadn't really seen the whole show. The International Ballet from Bellevue got caught up in the joy that can be only described as the Edmonds Ferry Debacle. They arrived before the end of act 2 and watched from the seats. The night before the show and we hadn't done a whole runthrough. Vera the artistic Director took the stage and was the quintessential Choreographer. She barked out orders in Russian with her dancers whipping about the stage. Everyone stayed and watched. It was a magic moment for sure. To add to the moment, Ryan was stuck 20' up in his silk and watching the scene from above. He had a grin that stretched ear to ear.
Pegaso. A few weeks before the show our friend Carolyn was down from just north of Coopeville and wanted to work on a project for her horses. She mentioned to us that Andalusian horses where from the bloodline of Unicorns. She said something else that I cannot remember but I do remember the shock that went through my body. I looked at Sam and she had obviously had the Sam shock. I knew what she was thinking, She knew what I was thinking. In unison we asked, "what do you think of having one of your Unicorns at our show?!?!?" Fast forward a few weeks to Pegaso's first rehearsal. From behind Nymbol's stage this towering white horse and horn came clomping onto the stage. Being behind the Unicorn meant that his edges were glowing. To add to the moment he spied Nymbol and came right over to give him a sniff or two. From behind the stage I patted Nymbol on the head. "Your amazing" I said to him. He nodded back.
It's Showtime. We were really here, we are doing this thing. I was laughing from behind the curtain as I could hear the Pirates giving the crowd a hard time. The Curtains opened and we were off. I can't really remember too much else because we were all "in the zone." I do remember on moment quite well. Blarney and Nymbol were sitting next to each other listening to Philip Boulding play his harp. They were rocking back and forth and being chums. Nymbol reached over and put his arm around Blarney and gave him a squeeze. The funny part about that is to do this the scene was repeating itself from behind the curtain. I was putting my arm around Izzy and giving her a squeeze. She looked back at me and smiled.
If we never, ever do this again that will be the moment I remember the most. It sums up everything Nymbol has been about since the time he has come into our lives. I couldn't be prouder of her, Tabatha, Samantha and the rest of the wonderful Troupe than I was at that moment. Thank you all so much.
Don't worry, we will definitely be doing this again. Nymbol went out and found us the perfect 4X4 15 passenger van so we will be able to take the Troupe to the next show. I really can't wait.
This last part I won't be reading aloud to my wife. She needs to find this on her own. It might get a little mushy so you might not want to keep reading.
Sam you are amazing. You are the super-glue that holds this whole motley crew together in every way. You are an such and amazing singer and actress and I beam with pride every time you are on stage. It was the same watching with Nymbol from behind his stage. None of this, and you know the "this" that I mean could ever have happened if it were not for you. I am more smitten by you than ever and that is really saying something. I cannot wait to see what adopted Bogart grows up to be. Nymbol and his Troupe are all doing a deep bow right now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.